Through the focal point of individuals, the never-seen-before scale of war unfolds on screen. Marvelous camera work. Great cinema breaks boundaries of time and space and unveils the human core, and 亲密电影 did that.
导演真的好热衷于符号啊全篇给影评人提供了无数可供各视角解读的符号意象但是故事却just so so 吵架戏的调度和表演都有点差劲杨子姗根本接不住戏黄轩也有点用力过猛的意思最后感觉全片有点给男人洗白的意思啊呵 男导演嘛
看得我真的非常感动从来没有认真想过亲密电影现在我们所“享用”的很多权益的背后其实是像Aaron这样的人付出努力甚至生命换来的特别是这个金钱至上的社会显得更加伟大片子里的一句话特别喜欢“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitabilityit comes through continuous struggle.”